Training Info
Biz Skills
Improve yourself for your professional environment
Our trainers specialize in helping you improve your Social Skills & Soft Skills, Communication techniques, Management style, Behavioral knowledge and they provide up-to-date Leadership and Management Skills.
With this training you can improve yourself in any job role in the company or for your personal development. This means you can learn the basics of your own communication skills, advanced ways to improve your overall performance, for example, sales, recruitment, leadership, and more.
Or you can become an Expert by improving your hardskills combined with your Social & Soft skills to outperform yourself for better results of your work or push your team to the max to improve your organization's results.
Design Skills
Become an expert architect or designer
​The architectural and engineering sectors are constantly changing and our trainers will help you keep up with the latest design skills available in our global network, and how to create the most profitable designs.
You can learn how to design any type of infrastructure, create feasibility studies, master plans, and detailed engineering for all your projects, and how select the right materials for your designs. You will also be able to learn how to design large infrastructures such as ports, airports, road infrastructure, or complete urban\rural developments.
The most important thing is to learn how to market your designs and how to stay profitable in the highly competitive world of architecture and design.
Green Skills
Learn how to improve your skills for Sustainable Development
​Sustainability is a word that is directly related to Global Climate Change and is one of the fastest growing industries in this era. Therefore, it is very important for you to have the opportunity to know all the new skills available in our global network to ensure the sustainability applied in your project is most profitable.
Our trainers will offer a wide range of training options to develop all your projects in the most sustainable way in line with national and local government regulations and international agreements such as the 'Paris Agreement.
You will be able to learn skills such as how to calculate energy with PV or windmills, but also how to choose a low- or high-tech solution that suits your environment. Apart from that, you can also learn how to balance the social economy with New Business Development, implement a Corporate Social Responsibility budget, or how to approach structural issues such as e.g. waste management, water supply, sustainable leadership, etc.
Creating Financial Value through a Sustainable Mindset
The most challenging issue in making infrastructure the most sustainable & profitable is the budget available for the project. We work with global sustainability experts who create designs and management systems for governments to turn sustainability policies into execution.
We call it the VISI method (Visi Infrastruktur Sustainable Indonesia).
The methods we mentioned have been successfully applied and cities that have been the most sustainable cities in the world for more than a decade.
You will learn how to make your current or previous projects the most sustainable without a huge investment using proven design methods that ensure the most important SDGs are implemented to contribute to People, Planet and Your Profits!
With VISI we will teach you and all stakeholders involved in your project how to make your upcoming project the most sustainable and profitable without big investment for sustainability in just 3 days.