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With VISI, it is possible to analyze and visually display the project's impact on the environment or organizational policies. The Sustainable Scan (S-Scan) instrument helps to gain systematic insight into the sustainability of tasks and projects in an area and the requirements/wants of the sustainability policy. It facilitates structured discussion and develops perspectives on common problems in an area. Social, ecological, and economic (human, planet, and prosperity) sustainability are discussed.
Environmental indicators can be used for different purposes:
Strategic Environmental Management
We carry out an inventory and stakeholder analysis based on the concept of Strategic Environmental Management (SEM) combined with the use of Environmental Guidelines. For inventory purposes, the S-Scan theme was used to investigate which stakeholders have an interest in the project. In addition, S-Scan is also used as an instrument to take an inventory of stakeholders' interests based on these themes. The results of the inventory and stakeholder analysis using environmental indicators consist of:
Overview of all stakeholders involved
The following data per stakeholder: details of name and address, contact person, capacity or characterization, nature of interest, level of interest, level of influence, risk, function, collaboration with other stakeholders (alliance, action/action, correspondence, report, and action to remember
Full S-Scan per stakeholder
A report that compares and analyzes completed sustainability scans and includes suggestions on how the project can attract as many stakeholders as possible for the widest possible support.
Policy analysis
The current policy is analyzed according to the Environmental Guidelines. This forms the basis for follow-up projects within the project to establish focus and ambition. The analysis is processed in a report containing the following tables:
Kohesi dalam ruang hidup tumbuhan dan hewan diperkuat dan fragmentasi bentang alam dicegah
Melindungi habitat dari fragmentasi dan degradasi. Mencegah efek negatif pada habitat
​Kualitas habitat
Konektivitas Ekologis
Struktur ekologi (darat dan air), dengan maksud untuk memfasilitasi seluruh rantai makanan (dari plankton hingga pemulung) dan tangga ikan, dipertahankan
Kualitas habitat
Project Context Analysis
The project context has been analyzed according to the Environmental Guidelines. The results are processed into a report.
Variant comparison
The environmental guide theme can also be used as a scoring framework for comparing variances
on a project. Using environmental guidelines, the assessment framework covers themes relevant to project sustainability. The visualizations of the different variants can then be compared to select the most suitable variant.
Questions by the themes
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